Hi people, my name is Ana and I'm a veg... -Oh my God! Please, just don't say that you're a vegan! What do you eat then? GRASS?
(Ohh yessss, you're right! Here I am, looking at my lunch)
Umm... okay? Are you serious? I eat everything. I mean, EVERYTHING! Except animal carcasses, chicken periods, bee vomit or something like this. It sounds disgusting, doesn't it? In my opinion, it's just not normal to eat these things. And no, if you became a vegan you won't eat grass. I eat like a fu**ing KING all the time!
Cruelty free crepe with veggies and coconut water.
At my fave restaurant, Piknik Koper. They have a romantic garden :3
Pizza, somewhere in Roma.
I had to repeat thousand times- no, WITHOUT mozzarella.
And yes, I'm sure.
Heh, you wouldn't believe, right?
We DO eat ice cream.
At Kapitanija, Koper.
Who doesn't adore muffins?
The 'healthy' ones at left
and chocolate ones at right.
And chocolate. I'm addicited to it *goes and eats the whole pack*
But okay, now I'm going to tell you my little secret.
The truth is that... um... Oh ok.
I actually love green 'grassy' things. :c
With this post, I'm not insluting anyone, especially non-vegan ones. I do not pressure anybody to be a vegan.